Contact info

Karol Pokorski
PGP public key
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About me

I am PhD student in Computer Science at University of Wroclaw under the supervision of Paweł Gawrychowski. My research areas are algorithms and data structures.

I am quite active in sports programming in Poland, earlier as contestant, now as problem creator and sometimes member of organizing/technical commitees or jury.

I created Solve System 3, an online judge that helps young people to learn algorithms and programming.

I am member of Main Commitee of Polish Junior Olympiad in Informatics. If you have some interesting problem ideas that you would like to submit for the competition, please write an e-mail to me (remember to encrypt the problem, my key is available above).

Earlier, during studies, I worked as Software Engineer at Ten Square Games, Google, Codility and (as interviewer) at Triplebyte.

I like cars and racing.

Recently, I got very interested in teaching very young children. I decided to start a blog about it.